Pension Astro **
Str. Colz, 107
I-39030 La Villa / Badia (BZ)
T + F: +39 0471 847080
VAT: IT01282730215
CIN: IT 021 006 A1 23DY3QYC

Weather forecast for today Sunday 16 February
Weathermap for today

Overall situation A high pressure field will remain over the Alps, but with more humid air masses arriving from the north.

Forecast In the course of the day, the sun will appear over most of the territory. On the northern sectors, clouds will prevail.

Temperatures Maximum temperatures between 5° and 11°.

Weathermap for today

Situation A high pressure field will remain over the Alps, but with more humid air masses arriving from the north.

Mountainforecast Sunny weather over most of the territory. On the border ridge, clouds will be more consistent.

Weather forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 February
Weathermap for today

Overall situation High pressure and dry air masses will determine the weather conditions during the beginning of the new week.

Forecast Sunny weather with only a few harmless clouds in the sky.

Temperatures Minimum temperatures negative, maximum between 5° and 11°.

Weathermap for today

Situation High pressure and dry air masses will determine the weather conditions during the beginning of the new week.

Mountainforecast Very sunny weather with excellent visibility. Residual clouds on the border ridge will tend to dissipate.

Weather forecasts for next days
Tuesday generally sunny weather. Wednesday often sunny, although some irregular cloudiness will pass through the sky. Sun and clouds will alternate on Thursday. Very sunny weather is expected on Friday with generally clear skies.
Tuesday 18 February
min -11° / -1°
max 3° / 11°
Wednesday 19 February
min -10° / -1°
max 3° / 10°
Thursday 20 February
min -8° / 0°
max 4° / 12°
VAT: IT01282730215
CIN: IT 021 006 A1 23DY3QYC